Why This Blog?

I'll Never Understand...

I have had someone trying to destroy my name for many years now.  They have made blogs about me, stolen (from my Google Picasa account) and ...



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Why Not Try To Be Great?

It's all about you.  What are you going to do today?  Are you going to sit around and do nothing, or go out and do something great?

I don't know about you, but I wake up everyday wanting to do something great. Something great doesn't necessarily mean you are ending world hunger, or finding the cure for cancer.  To me, being great is all about you.  It's your character.  It's how you carry yourself.  It's your want to keep getting better.  It's that never quit attitude.  It's staying positive no matter the situation.  I will
never understand how negative people can actually be.  Everyone else is to blame for their problems, because a negative person never does anything wrong.  Why?  It's easier to point the finger at someone else, as opposed  to pointing it at yourself.  How can you ever better yourself when you don't ever do anything wrong?  Hmmm...  I make a lot of mistakes.  I know that, and I admit that.  However, what I also know is that I try to learn from my mistakes.  I try to better myself by understanding the mistakes.  I never quit trying to build off my mistakes.  You might see me struggle, but you will never EVER see me quit.  It's not in my DNA.

Take a look in a mirror.  Would you trust you?  Are you willing to admit to your mistakes?  Easy to answer yes, but tougher to actually think about it.  Only you can change you.  Unfortunately, in this social media driven world we live in, people's decisions are made for them.  Only you can decide if you are influenced one way or the other.  Don't do something because it's the "cool" thing to do.  Do something because it is the "right" thing to do.

Look, I know not many people will see this post, much less this blog.  However, I am doing this for the few that will, and maybe I can help lift their day.  Maybe I can help people see that they can be as great as they want to be.  I'm just trying to put some positivity in a very negative world...

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I'll Never Understand...

I have had someone trying to destroy my name for many years now.  They have made blogs about me, stolen (from my Google Picasa account) and posted private pictures, and trashed my every move.  It's sad, and very unfortunate.

Initially, I was shocked.  I was hurt.  So many lies made up about me, and many of my ex co-workers. Why would someone say/do these awful and offensive things?  Why are they making things up about my previous company without knowing what really happened?  Apparently, they had a bad experience with me.  I can accept that.  With as many people as I [have] come in contact with, I know I cannot please everyone, even though I try to.  What I struggle with is not being able to find out what honestly happened so I can correct it.  I still, to this day, have no idea who this person is.  I wish I did, because I want to ask this person this question - why?  And then - What did I really do to make you trash me for over 5 years now?  Is it because I held you accountable for something?  I do that to everyone.  Because what I have read is simply untrue.  I have sat quiet about it for years now.  It's at the point where it is just ridiculous, and quite honestly, more annoying than anything.

Treat people the way you want to be treated.  Ah, yes... the Golden Rule.  I was taught this at a very young age.  I am very Blessed to have grown up in a family with values.  A family that strongly looked down upon treating anyone with disrespect.  Anyone.  Reading what this anonymous person has said about me, you wouldn't get that.

Well, all I can do is pray for this person, and I do, every night.  Every single night - I never miss a night that this person does not get mentioned in my prayers.  That God will overcome the hate in their heart and fill it with His love.

So, for the person attacking me, may God Bless you.  I am sorry for the experience that you had, no matter who was at fault.  This world is filled with enough hate.  Why not try to change it, instead of continuously adding to it?

“But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you
      - Luke 6: 27-28